Xplor International divides memberships into two categories: Individual and Corporate.
Individual Memberships:
• Individual
• Student or Retired
Corporate Memberships:
• Professional Company
• Vendor Company
Xplor corporate memberships encompass both professional end-user and vendor companies as defined below:
- A professional end user is a user of technology who prints, mails or distributes transactional documents via print, the web, social media or mobile, using one or more channels. This includes in-house operations, commercial enterprises and service bureaus. Consultants and analysts are considered professional end users as well.
- A vendor is a company that sells hardware, software and/or services to an end-user customer.
Membership Types
Individual ($99)
This membership level covers a single person and stays with the individual, regardless of the company, for the one-year term of the membership.
Student or Retired ($25)
This membership level is available to:
1) undergraduate or graduate students who are enrolled full-time in school,
2) recent graduates (within one year of graduation date), or
3) retired industry professionals who want to stay current with the industry, mentor a young professional, volunteer service to the association, and/or keep in touch with Xplor friends made throughout their career.
Any employment by a retiree must be outside the industry. Consultants do not qualify for this type of membership.
Corporate Membership – Professional ($895)
This membership level is for a professional end-user organization or company. Professional Corporate members receive a listing in our Industry Directory and may submit up to two articles for publication in E-Document News over the duration of their annual membership.
The membership provides an unlimited number of company employees with access to membership benefits, and the included Professional Corporate members can be updated throughout the duration of the membership year. The membership does not follow an individual.
Corporate Membership – Vendor ($895)
This membership level is for a vendor organization or company. Vendor Corporate members receive a listing in our Industry Directory and may submit up to two articles for publication in E-Document News over the duration of their annual membership.
The membership provides an unlimited number of company employees with access to membership benefits, and the included Vendor Corporate members can be updated throughout the duration of the membership year. The membership does not follow an individual.
Purchase Membership Renew Membership
Questions? Please contact memberinfo@xplor.org.