Neopost Purchases GMC Software

There has been a lot of chatter the last couple weeks about the acquisition of GMC Software by Neopost. (The Xplor LinkedIn Group has certainly been a buzz) After receiving many calls and emails asking what my thoughts are on the subject, I figured I would chime in.

I certainly was not surprised that GMC was sold. GMC has grown and prospered over the years and like many companies was ripe to be acquired by any number of large suitors. What did surprise me initially was who the suitor ended up being, but when you step back, it makes way too much sense.

GMC – I have had the pleasure of working with GMC over the last 15 years. Their products are solid, innovative and highly regarded in the industry. Their people are top notch.

A big part of GMC’s success has been their culture of innovation and a large talented pool of people, both of which have been cultivated over the years by GMC Software Technology CEO René Müller. René has been at the helm for a while, has grown the company and as he has stated, “looking towards” retirement.

It is my belief that René sought out a company that would continue the legacy of product innovation and professional growth for his employees . A company that is a reflection of what GMC has become over the years. Culturally, Neopost seems to fit that bill.

Neopost – One can see from this transaction and other strategic moves that Neopost has made over the last 24 months that they continue to position themselves for growth.

With a large presence in the US (approx. 40% of revenue in 2010) Neopost is ranked as the number one company in Europe and second in the world in mailroom solutions, designed to optimize mail workflow. Neopost has 5,500 employees all over the world and markets products and services in 90 countries with subsidiaries in 18 countries.

Complimentary Culture – I think he Neopost Strategic Vision says it all in terms of Mr. Müller’s selection.

“….  engaging in constructive and mutually profitable working relationships with our partners, respecting environmental, quality-of-life and safety standards as well as supporting local communities.

We provide assistance to local communities where we have a business interest and support employees in their charitable work and actions. We call this being “Close to our customers, close to our communities”.

For a complete write up of Neopost’s Strategic Vision: