
Office Depot is Getting It!!!!!

Last week I finally broke down and bought a new office chair. I had been looking at this particular one for months but was unwilling to spend the $$$$ for it. Alas, I received an email promotion from Office Depot and MY chair was on sale for 50% off and it was free shipping. I could not resist.

I was like a little kid waiting for Christmas.  Two days later my chair arrived, I opened the box, assembled and settled in for a day of bliss, which it was.

Yesterday, I receive an email from Office Depot, the subject:  Your New Chair is Lonely, Accessorize Your Office. The new ad had several items for my desk, chairmat, lamps, etc.

After being on their mailing list for more than a year, and buying quite a bit of stuff, this was the first time they tried to upsell and I applaud the effort.

So many times, someone purchases something from us and other than a “thank you” confirmation we very rarely associate the sale with other opportunity. Some companies do it better than others. And many companies do nothing.

This ad was not obnoxious or offensive. I did not feel pressured to buy anything else and visualizing my “lonely” chair was actually humorous.

Is your company missing opportunity?  (BTW, I anxiously await my new chairmat, although not quite as exciting as my chair).