Award Recipients to Be Recognized in Orlando at Xploration® 15
Lutz, FL — March 25, 2015 – Xplor International, the worldwide electronic document systems association, today announced the recipients of its 2015 Technology and Application of the Year Awards. The awards will be presented at a ceremony Tuesday, April 14, 2015, during the Xploration® 15 event at the Wyndham Orlando Resort International Drive in Orlando, Florida.
Tweet this: #Xplor15 Tech & App Award Winners: @CrawfordTechInc @gmc_net @BlueToadinc @Canon_Solutions @accuzip @PrintImposition
Application of the Year Award:
The Application of the Year Award is presented to an individual, a company or an organization to recognize outstanding achievement in the imaginative application of current technology and/or unique implementation of existing document and communication systems. This award is open to members and non-members.
Xplor will award two honorable mentions in addition to the 2015 winner.
- The 2nd Honorable Mention is being awarded to Bluetoad, Inc., an Orlando based digital publishing software company, for utilizing their digital publishing platform that assists the healthcare industry in delivering personalized digital editions of customer-facing documents.
- The 1st Honorable Mention is being awarded to Canon Solutions America’s published “Designers’ Guide to Inkjet”. The guide is a comprehensive resource for agency and in-house designers that provides guiding principles, best practices, and real-world recommendations related to the exciting world of inkjet.
The winner of the 2015 Xplor Application of the Year is the City of Glendale and Crawford Technologies. Utilizing Crawford’s RIPTIDE product, the City of Glendale was able to automate the distribution and output management of case files stored in the repository.
In the words of the Glendale city government project manager, “the RIPTIDE solution made all the difference, changing ‘days and hours’ of work into ‘minutes and seconds’” as the tasks of copying, collation, and hand stamping were eliminated. One of the key results was that staff was able to be reallocated to more productive tasks.
Technology of the Year Award:
The Technology of the Year Award honors an individual, company or organization that has conceived and developed an original concept leading to a significant advancement in the industry. This can be a new program, product, or technology that notably enhances the capabilities of document and communication systems.
Like the Application of the Year award, Xplor will present two honorable mentions, in addition to the winner of the award, due to the large number of submissions.
- The 2nd Honorable Mention for the Technology of the Year Award is being awarded to Ultimate TechnoGraphics/Ultimate Bindery. Ultimate Bindery provides a unique and new value to document production with software dedicated to bridging the gap between prepress and printing processes with the final stage of production.
- The 1st Honorable Mention for the Xplor Technology of the year award is being awarded to AccuZIP/LIVINGMAIL. LIVINGMAIL allows mailers to send automatic voice messages, texts, and/or e-mails to the mail recipients with customizable scheduling. All of these communications are triggered off of an IMb and/or QR code on the mail piece.
The winner of the 2015 Xplor Technology of the Year is being awarded to GMC Software Technology for their Inspire Dynamic Communications. Inspire Dynamic Communication enables the creation of immersive, digital customer statements that deliver intuitive and attractive charts, graphs and other graphical representations of customer financial information.
Inspire Dynamic Communications fully addresses the rapidly-growing demand for relevant information while on the go, delivering optimized and abbreviated experiences based on user context.
“Once again the Awards Committee had the difficult task of selecting the companies and individuals to be recognized as each submission represented compelling technologies and their use.” said Skip Henk, EDP, President and CEO of Xplor International. “We thank everyone who submitted a nomination as well as the efforts and commitment of the Awards Committee.”
Xplor International will also be announcing the recipients of the Xplorer of the Year and Brian Platte Lifetime Achievement awards at Xploration® 15 on Tuesday, April 14, 2015
About Xplor International
Xplor International is a worldwide, not-for-profit professional association that consists of thousands of users and suppliers of the products and services that create, modify and deliver customized information using a wide variety of document technologies. The association provides educational products and programs for its members and the industry at large through conferences, meetings and annual events. Xplor International has its worldwide headquarters in Lutz, Florida, with affiliated offices around the world.
Twitter: @Xplor_Int
Xplor International Media Contact:
Chad Henk, EDA
Marketing Coordinator