Xploration 2016

PANEL – I Have Content. Now What?

Title:  PANEL – I Have Content. Now What?
:  Distribution
Date/Time:  Wednesday April 6th – 3:00pm to 3:50pm
Room: Bonaire 7
Moderator: Mike Porter
Panelists: Steve Falk,  Sheri Jammallo,  Markus Kleiber,  Kurt Konow

As new technology emerges and more channels become available the distribution of information and content becomes more complex. We know we live in a multi-channel world, but what advantages do the different distribution channels have over one another? Will omni-channel communications necessitate support across all channels? How do multi-channel and omni-channel differ? Is it time to think differently? Our panel will discuss the various distribution channels, what technologies and processes are relevant and which ones may have run their course.