How to Develop an Omni-Channel Approach to Critical Communications Management

Title:  How to Develop an Omni-Channel Approach to Critical Communications Management
:  The Customer Experience
Date/Time:  Tuesday April 5th – 4:00pm to 4:50pm
Room: Bonaire 1
Presenter: Michael O’Quinn

How you communicate with your customers defines their entire experience. To provide them with the best possible experience, it’s important that you have the ability to manage all communications with them across every platform used for one single view of the customer so that conversations can continue seamlessly from any channel. This session will discuss what critical communications management is; the challenges associated with it (and strategies for addressing those challenges) and why and how you should move from a multi-channel to an omni-channel approach to give your customers the best experience.

Attendee Takeaways:

  1. Learn effective strategies for addressing the challenges of designing an omni-channel communication strategy for critical communications management.
  2. Learn the benefits of seamlessly integrating all communications channels to provide customers with a unified communications experience.

PANEL – The Great CCM Debate

Title:  PANEL – The Great CCM Debate
:  The Customer Experience
Date/Time:  Tuesday April 5th – 4:00pm to 4:50pm
Room: Bonaire 7
Moderator: Stephanie Pieruccini
Panelists: Scott Draeger, Denise Miano, Michael Wright

Customer Communications Management (CCM) continues to be a hot topic despite being around for several years. All companies want to better communicate with their customers. Most companies acknowledge customer communications as a priority. Some have a documented communication strategy, and many do not. The definition of customer communications management varies greatly. What has been accomplished so far? Where are we headed? Are companies looking for greater customer retention, higher “lifetime revenue,” new customer acquisition or all of the above? Are we moving from customer experience to customer engagement? How does multi-channel synchronicity factor into the strategy? What is a center of excellence? Come and hear our panel of experts answer these and many other questions in “The Great CCM Debate.”

Xploration 2016

Electronic Document (BOK): Document Composition

Title:  Electronic Document (BOK): Document Composition
:  Fundamentals
Date/Time:  Tuesday April 5th – 3:00pm to 3:50pm
Room: Bonaire 5
Presenter: Bill Broddy, M-EDP

The Composition step in the production workflow is often called the ‘heart of the process.’ This is where data is interpreted and structured; documents are personalized based on very complex client preference, geographic, and distribution ‘business rules;’ and converted into final format for print or electronic presentation to web or mobile devices.

This session examines the discrete steps that take place within most composition programs: data assembly, business rules, formatting, sorting, emitting, and reconciliation reporting.

Attendee Takeaways:  Understand the process that turns data and predefined objects into finished pages within legally acceptable documents.

Xploration 2016

Taking the Mystery Out of Mergers & Acquisitions

Title:  Taking the Mystery Out of Mergers & Acquisitions
:  For Executive Eyes Only
Date/Time:  Tuesday April 5th – 3:00pm to 3:50pm
Room: Bonaire 4
Presenter: Paul Carman

With today’s continuing industry convergence, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) seem to be tools used by only the largest companies. This session will demystify the entire process, and show attendees that M&A is simply another growth alternative for all companies. In addition, it will demonstrate how valuations are created, and provide a framework for pursuing a buy or sell transaction.

Attendee Takeaways:

  1. Learn what a typical M&A process entails.
  2. Understand company valuation factors.
  3. Review and understand an M&A decision checklist.
Xploration 2016

Enhancing Your Customer Experience Through Customer Delivery Preference Management

Title:  Enhancing Your Customer Experience Through Customer Delivery Preference Management
:  Distribution
Date/Time:  Tuesday April 5th – 3:00pm to 3:50pm
Room: Bonaire 3
Presenter: Wayne Delport

We will begin with third party market research, showing the market trends with regards to customer transactional communications delivery. How to reduce costs of print and mail while improving your customer experience and customer relationship will also be discussed.

Attendee Takeaways:

  1. Mail is moving to electronic distribution. The market is changing and businesses are not well prepared for the change. We will try and help educate why the market is changing and how businesses should align their document distribution efforts to ensure customer satisfaction
  2. Customer experience and customer satisfaction is key in all businesses. Part of keeping customers satisfied is how we communicate with them. Let’s discuss the best ways to communicate with our customers to enhance their customer experience.
Xploration 2016

The AFP Consortium and the Future of AFP: 2015 Status Report

Title:  The AFP Consortium and the Future of AFP: 2015 Status Report 
:  All Things Data
Date/Time:  Tuesday April 5th – 3:00pm to 3:50pm
Room: Bonaire 2
Presenter: Howard Turetzky

AFP Archive is the first AFP architecture to become an ISO standard! Find out about new function being incorporated into the AFP architecture. Take advantage of an opportunity to discuss these changes and your requirements for the future.

Attendee Takeaways:

  1. AFP is is the key document architecture in the transaction space, known for its high performance, unparalleled reliability, and continued forward-looking adoption of new function and features. The AFP Consortium, the standards body for AFP, reports each year ‘s progress at the Xplor Conference.
  2. The speaker will review recent changes and discuss future directions for this vital printing standard

The 5 P’s of Customer Experience and How It Can Help You Grow Your Business

Title:  The 5 P’s of Customer Experience and How It Can Help You Grow Your Business 
:  The Customer Experience
Date/Time:  Tuesday April 5th – 3:00pm to 3:50pm
Room: Bonaire 1
Presenter: Chris Echevarria

As consumers we are well aware of the companies that provide such an amazing Customer Experience (CX) that customers pre-buy, buy sight-unseen, and will pay more for the product than that of a competitor. How can you create this kind of engagement and loyalty from your customers? How can implementing CX help you grow your business? By addressing the five key P’s to Customer Experience with the guidance of a step-by-step guide, you can begin your CX journey and measure the results.

Attendee Takeaways:

This session will provide a “how to” guide with step-by-step instructions to start the Customer Experience journey inside your organization. From the smallest personal details that will differentiate your business from that of your competition, to the metrics that validate the efforts, followed by the opportunity for continuous improvement, this session will break down the must do’s, the nice-to-have’s, and ultimately the Best In Class practices that will help you grow your business.

PANEL – Is There Such a Thing as the Perfect Customer Experience?

Title:  PANEL – Is There Such a Thing as the Perfect Customer Experience?
:  The Customer Experience
Date/Time:  Tuesday April 5th – 3:00pm to 3:50pm
Room: Bonaire 7
Moderator: Scott Baker
Panelists: Micah Byrd,  Patrick Kehoe,  Jerry Lazarus,  David Stabel

Every company wants happy customers but is it possible to put together the perfect set of interactions that consistently exceed the needs and expectations of a customer? We talk about multi- and omni-channel communications, but is that what the customer is looking for? Our panel of experts will discuss optimizing the customer experience, what worked and what did not, the impact it has had on their organization and how far we need to go.

Xploration 2016

Electronic Document (BOK): Document Objects

Title:  Electronic Document (BOK): Document Objects 
:  Fundamentals
Date/Time:  Tuesday April 5th – 2:00pm to 2:50pm
Room: Bonaire 5
Presenter: Bill Broddy, M-EDP

All customer communication documents are assembled from a series of predefined objects, such as fonts, photos, vector-graphics, barcodes, scanned images, and structured text blocks. When these are constructed correctly, documents can be rendered quickly, accurately, and repeatedly (today and in seven years). Poorly constructed objects can cause printers to crash, electronic documents to freeze, and archived copies to incorrectly render.

This session will explain the different types of objects, why they are different, why legacy objects are problematic, and why multi-channel testing is critical.

Attendee Takeaways:  Understand the necessity for different object structures to support different needs.

Xploration 2016

Audit & Compliance: What You Need to Know

Title:  Audit & Compliance: What You Need to Know 
:  For Executive Eyes Only
Date/Time:  Tuesday April 5th – 2:00pm to 2:50pm
Room: Bonaire 4
Presenter: Brad Lyons and Eric Radcliffe

We know you hear the words SOC 1, SOC 2, PCI, and HIPAA: Attend this session and we will uncover the compliance mystery.

Attendee Takeaways:

  1. This session will identify the key compliance options relevant to the print/mail/marketing industry, why they are relevant, how they can help you grow your business, and how it makes you a more secure organization. These options will include at a minimum SOC 1, SOC 2, HIPAA, PCI, ISO 27001, GLBA, and FFIEC.
  2. We will discuss the key elements of 3rd party auditing, which includes planning, execution, and conclusion. These key elements will be viewed from an auditor’s perspective, your client’s prospective, as well as your organization’s perspective. Also during this session we will discuss project timelines, costs and compliance main.